Discover Rural!

Rural at a Glance

The Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), located in Rio de Janeiro state, originated from the College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (ESAMV) ,1910. Rural has four campi – Seropédica, Nova Iguaçu (IM), Campos dos Goytacazes (CCG) and Três Rios (ITR). The University has around 15,000 students attending in one of the 56 undergraduate programs and approximately 2,000 students registered in its 41 graduate programs.


Where is RURAL?

Rural is located in Rio de Janeiro state, at a metropolitan area named Baixada Fluminense and it is very near to Costa Verde. That region is one of the most exotic and beautiful areas in Rio de Janeiro state, being one of the hotspots of Atlantic Forest Biodiversity.


Rural is considered one of the most beautiful university campuses in Brazil. Its buildings architecture combined with its impressive flora are a perfect match to give you an amazing landscape to study. Furthermore, the main Campus at Seropédica is the largest campus in Latin America (3.024 hectares).

Outside of Rio 

Is it hard to get to the University since it is not located in the capital? not at all. Even though the campus being far from Rio de Janeiro state, Rural is linked to one of the most important Highways (BR465), which allows you to easily reach its buildings/facilities.



Postado em 04/05/2018 - 15:57

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