Rodica Weitzman

+ 55 21 2224-8577

Professor Weitzman holds a master’s degree (2011) and doctorate (2016) in social anthropology from the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology at the National Museum of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (MN/UFRJ). She also has an undergraduate degree in social sciences with an emphasis on gender social relations from Oberlin College (1994) and graduate research in Schizoanalysis and Institutional Analysis (Clinic for Groups, Organizations, and Social Networks at the Félix Guattari Institute/Gregório Baremblitt Foundation in Minas Gerais (2007).

She completed a postdoctoral internship at the “As Lutas dos Atingidos pela Usina hidrelétrica de Tucuruí” [“The Struggle of those afflicted by the Tucuruí hydroelectric plant”] research project as part of the line of research associated with “Memory and Socio-Environmental Conflicts” at the Institute for Urban and Rural Planning and Research (IPPUR/UFRJ, 2017–2018).

Since August 2020, she has been completing a postdoctoral internship at CPDA/UFRRJ that involves teaching, research, and extension activities.

For over 20 years, she has served as an autonomous consultant to social organizations in various areas in Brazil and abroad. Her knowledge spans the fundamentals of anthropology, sociology, and social psychology, as well as gender studies.

She has experience developing, managing, and monitoring projects and social policies, coordinating continuing education programs for leaders and technicians, and carrying out research on the development of communities and social movements.

Postado em 22/09/2021 - 05:47 - Atualizado em 27/09/2021 - 12:33