

The CPDA occupies five floors of Av. President Vargas 417, in the Centro district of Rio de Janeiro.

Sixth floor:

Three classrooms

Auditorium (space for 90 people)

Professor Joao Carlos Duarte Defense Room (space for 30 people)

CPDA Coordination office

Coordination secretary’s office

Academic secretary’s office

Student lounge, with computers and printer available for use


Seventh floor:

Ivan de Otero Ribeiro Documentation Center and Library

Collection of the Research, Documentation, and Reference Center on Rural Social Movements and Public Policy

CERESAN Collection – Reference Center on Food and Nutritional Security

Maria Yedda Leite Linhares Collection (on agrarian history and international relations)

Individual study rooms


Eighth floor:

Faculty offices

Office for visiting professors and post-doctoral scholars

Research group offices

Meeting room


Ninth floor:

Faculty offices

Research group offices

Meeting room

Office of the DDAS director

Office of the DDAS secretary

Office of the journal Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura


Tenth floor:

Faculty offices

Office for visiting professors and post-doctoral scholars

Research group offices




Postado em 15/04/2021 - 11:14 - Atualizado em 22/09/2021 - 06:15